November 18, 2021 Chapter Meeting - David Bower, PA's Finest Trout Streams. Contact David at 814-689-3654, ext 4 or for more information. Click here to watch.
January 21, 2021 Chapter Meeting - Henry Ramsey, A Walk on the Wild Side - Fly Fishing Pennsylvania's Headwater Streams. Click here to watch.
December 17, 2020 Chapter Meeting - Dan Spedding, Thoughts on Euro Nymphing from a Recent Convert. Click here to watch.
February 25, 2021 Chapter Meeting - Tim Flagler, Tying demo including Lance Egan's Red Dart, Night King, Sulphur Perdigon and Sexy Walt's. Tim has requested that we restrict viewing to chapter members only. You must first contact a board member to get the password. Click here to watch.
Roger Baumann -
Herb Brooks -
Greg Golinski -
Mike McGovern -
Ed Poulton -
Dick Scordato -​
Ihor Skolzar -
Carl Swanson -
Bob Wesolowski -

75 Guests attended the CWCTU Annual Dinner on March 23. Guests were treated to a cocktail hour, a great dinner, and many walked away with great prizes. 22 "Buckets" of fishing gear that were raffled off. Buckets included rods, reels, flies, and much assorted fly fishing gear. In addition there were three special raffles: a T&T Zone 4wt rod and Galvan reel; a bottle of Van Winkle Special Reserve 12 year old Burbon; and a Mystic Reaper rod.
Ihor Szkolar was honored as our Member of the Year, and Tom Hall of WestLake Middle School was honored as our Teacher of the Year.

Time: 10:00 - 2:00
Date: Sunday, May 5
Place: Wood Street Bridge
Goal: Plant 200-plus dogwood, sycamore, willow and elm bareroot stock along the banks in the area around the Wood St. Bridge access point.
What to bring: work clothes, gloves and sturdy boots, bug spray (there are ticks), sunscreen (we can be hopeful), lunch, and any tools you think might be helpful. We have several shovels and pry bars but it's always good to have a few more.
Directions: The group will meet at the parking areas by Wood Street Bridge. Take Route 35 West out of Katonah to Wood Street, take a left (south) on Wood Street (just past a large arboretum on left) until you get to the parking areas before Wood Street Bridge. If you cross the (only) bridge, you've just passed us and gone too far.
For more information contact David Kearford, (917) 545-8768 or Roger Olsen, (917) 226-5806.

APRIL 17, 2019
(This is a special date)
Captain Roger Gendron has been actively guiding the waters of Western Long Island Sound since 1989. As a local who has spent his entire life in this area, he began fishing the coast of Fairfield County Connecticut 40 years ago and was one of the first guides in the area to specialize in fly and light tackle fishing in shallow salt water. As well as teaching fly fishing and light tackle fishing techniques for nearly 3 decades, he also teaches boat handling and navigation for private clientele and Boat Clubs of Fairfield County, CT.
Captain Gendron Maintains a 5-star rating on and writes a weekly recap of fishing, weather and related activity in the marine environment of western Long Island Sound. Throughout his career has been a pro staffer for Ranger Boats, Action Craft Boats, Yamaha, Sage, Nautilus reels, Rio fly lines, St. Croix rods, Cheeky reels.
In the off season, Roger enjoys tying salt water flies and writing essays on the topic of fishing and guiding and his articles have been twice published by Coastal Angler Magazine. From December to March he also enjoys Telemark skiing, and works part time as a ski instructor at Ski Sundown mountain in New Hartford, CT.
Capt. Roger Gendron
Connecticut Island Outfitters
(203) 216-0991

For the April meeting Captain Roger is going to talk about some areas along the CT coast accessible to the public that are good for wade fishing, and a little about conservation, particularly of Striped Bass. He will also leave time for Q & A so people can ask about whatever they would like.
September Presentation - Chris Sullivan
Housatonic River Trout and Their Use of Thermal Refuges
Zoom-Only Meeting (Replay Available)
Date: Thursday, September 19
Time: 6:45 - 8:15
Place: This meeting is Zoom only
Zoom Link, ID, and Passcode::
Meeting ID: 833 5054 6459
Passcode: 527982

Chris Sullivan has studied aquatic systems ranging from small streams to the Great Lakes. His presentation will discuss his PhD work which centered around cold-water-dependent fish use of cold thermal refuges during the summer within the Housatonic River. Chris will discuss the findings of this project and other associated research projects on the Housatonic River.
Bio: Chris received his BS degree from Purdue University, MS from Iowa State University, and PhD from the University of Connecticut. Currently, Chris is now a post-doc at the University of Minnesota studying climate change impacts on upper Midwestern lakes.
Replay of Zoom (see below)
Upcoming Speakers:
September 19 (Zoom) - Chris Sullivan, Ph.D. - Cold Thermal Refuges
October 17 (Zoom) - Chris Murphy, President, Trout Power - The power of anglers to protect, restore & enhance native brook trout populations and habitats.
November 21 - TBD
December 19 - Tim Flagler - In search of steel head on Lake Erie tributaries.

October Presentation - Chris Murphy
President, Trout Power
Zoom-Only Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 17
Time: 6:45 - 8:30
Place: This meeting is Zoom only
Zoom Link, ID, and Passcode::
Meeting ID: 857 2682 1234
Passcode: 639713

Trout Power is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that relies on volunteers as citizen scientists. Learn how this grassroots organization is using citizen science efforts to identify brook trout genetics and monitor and advocate for protection of wild and genetically unique brook trout populations in the Adirondacks and surrounding areas in New York. Chris Murphy, current president of Trout Power, and high school science teacher in Vermont will be giving the presentation.
Our team of volunteers help to find and identify wild brook trout populations in the Adirondacks through citizen science. Trout Power is working to map the current genetic biodiversity of brook trout, through which we can advocate for and educate about New York's state fish.
Brook trout are a historically and scientifically important species. Due to their low tolerance for polluted and warm water, their presence is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem. Finding a native brook trout is a reflection of the present conditions, while providing a glimpse into the past.
​Upcoming Speakers
November 21 - TBD
December 19 - Tim Flagler - In search of steel head on Lake Erie tributaries.
January 16 - TBD
February 20 - Fly Tying Night
March 20 - Tony Reinhardt, Montana Trout Outfitters
April 17 - TBD
May 15 - TBD
New York City Trout Unlimited 40th Anniversary Celebration
Honoring CWCTU's Ihor Szkolar
New York City Trout Unlimited is having its 40th Anniversary Celebration Pary on December 5th, 2024, commencing at 6:30 p.m., at that most famous of venues, “Phebe’s On the Bowery,” at the corner of East 4th Street and (of course) the Bowery.
In addition to their Chapter Anniversary, they will also honoring Ihor Szkolar, long standing Croton Chapter member, for his many years of incredible contributions of time and effort to Trout in the Classroom, particularly the “Release Days” with all of the NYC school kids. Ihor will be attending, and there will be a gift/presentation for his long service.
A great time is guaranteed for all who attend. There will be some speechifying by the old and the new members – we’ve even tracked down our original President from 1984, who’s been hiding up in Vermont, who will give us a few works of history and wisdom.
Admission covers a couple drinks and lots of hors d'oeuvres. If you can’t attend and buy a ticket, you can still make a smaller donation through the link above in the “subject” line.
In addition, there will be auctions and raffles of all manner of interesting stuff.
Follow this link for more details:
December Chapter Meeting and Holiday Get-Together at Capt. Lawrence Brewing, Elmsford
Presentation - Tim Flagler - In search of steelhead in Lake Erie tributaries
Date: Thursday, December 19
Time: 6:15 - 9:00. Presentation begins at 7:00.
Place: Capt. Lawrence Brewing
444 Saw Mill River Road
Elmsford, NY 10523
Complementary beer and pizza for all.
Orvis 10ft, 5wt Recon rod and reel raffle. (You must be present to participate.)
New TFO rods for sale. Seven brand new rods in assorted lengths and weights have come our way. They will be sold at the meeting.